Sehubungan dengan pertemuan dengan anak-anak CS Bandung kemaren,
ada beberapa pertanyaan yang muncul dari beberapa orang yang mau traveling ke Eropa.
Pertanyaannya: "Murahan mana pake Eurail pass atau pesawat ?"
Sebenernya jawaban dari pertanyaan seperti ini udah ada banyak yang bahas di forum traveler (contohnya yang saya tau milis yahoogroup Indobackpacker).
Kalau berdasarkan pengalaman saya sih, jawaban untuk pertanyaan diatas adalah:
Tergantung dimana (negara) kita traveling, berapa banyak tempat yang kita kunjungi, berapa lama mau tinggal di tempat tersebut (short/ long stay).
Pake Eurail pass menurut saya baru masuk itungan ekonomis kalau travel plan kita banyaknya di Eropa bagian utara (Skandinavia, Jerman, Prancis, Swiss, Benelux) dan kita pengen mengunjungi banyak tempat dengan waktu tinggal yang pendek (short stay, 1 hari atau kurang).
Terus terang, saya sendiri belum pernah nyobain pake Eurail pass... hihihi... soalnya menurut saya selain Eurail pass gak murah-murah amat, juga travel plan saya cenderung long stay di suatu tempat (2-3 hari). Dan saya emang prefer dapet tempat dikit tapi tinggal rada lama disuatu kota supaya bisa bener-bener explore tempat tersebut.
Selain itu, kalau kita bisa dapet promo flight murah (budget flight) bisa jadi harga tiketnya juga jauh lebih murah daripada pake Eurail pass.
Contoh budget flight misalnya Ryanair (murah, tapi pelayanan-nya jelek. Don't expect anything deh kalo naek ini, sebenernya gak murah-murah amat karena ada biaya tambahan kalau kita pesen seat, tambah bagasi, dan belinya mepet!)
Budget flight lain ada; easyjet, flybe, germanwings (gak murah-murah amat kalau gak promo).
Kalo negara tujuan kita Eropa timur bisa juga pake Wizz air.
Di Skandinavia ada flysas dan norwegian air.
Salahsatu maskapai airline favorit saya di Eropa adalah airberlin :)
Airberlin sebenernya gak termasuk budget flight, karena diluar promo bisa lumayan mahal juga harga tiketnya.
Tapiiii. . . kalau lagi promo, bisa dapet tiket seharga 29 Eur (belum termasuk tax) ampir ke smua destinasi di Eropa. Promo ini bisa kita tau kalo kita langganan newsletter-nya airberlin atau kita udah jadi member (frequent flyer). Daftar member-nya juga gratis koq.
Enaknya pake Airberlin juga kalau kita udah jadi frequent flyer - bisa ngumpulin miles yang bisa dituker jadi tiket flight gratis (kalau point miles-nya udah banyak).
Diluar keuntungan jadi frequent flyer, Airberlin juga ngasi free baggage 20 kgs- yang artinya lumayan banget kalau kita traveling dengan koper ukuran besar.
Traveling pake pesawat ada enak dan ada gak enaknya juga sih.
Enaknya ya cepet nyampe, apalagi kalo negara tujuan-nya jauh contohnya kalo traveling dari negara belahan utara (e.g. Belanda) ke bagian selatan (Spanyol, Itali, Yunani).
Kan kalo misalnya pake Eurail/ jalan darat, kebayang deh mesti duduk berapa lama dalam perjalanan . . . dan, mending kalo dapet temen sperjalanan yang asik, kalo dapet orang random yang ternyata menyebalkan ?!?
Gak enaknya, kalo traveling pake pesawat kan mesti ada waktu yang dialokasikan untuk pergi ke airport (dan beberapa airport letaknya lumayan jauh dari kota).
Juga mesti ada waktu yang disiapkan untuk check in, masukin bagasi, boarding dllsb.
Pake pesawat juga ada resiko flight-nya cancelled karena cuaca jelek (hujan gede, salju, badai) dan kalo kita punya flight yang jadwalnya berdekatan- bisa ketinggalan flight berikutnya deh!
Ini pengalaman pribadi saya waktu taun lalu mau liburan Natal di Malta, taunya flight yang di Dusseldorf di-cancel dan kita ampir aja ketinggalan flight yang dari Milan!
Kadang juga, jadwal keberangkatan yang gak enak (terlalu pagi, atau terlalu malem) akhirnya bikin kita mesti nginep di airport supaya gak ketinggalan flight.
Untungnya, ada website yang kasi review gimana situasi airport tersebut-
apakah aman untuk tidur, gimana kondisi airportnya.
Ini dia website-nya :)
Walaupun pake pesawat ada gak enaknya, tapi aku tetep vote untuk travel pake pesawat sih!
I also like the sense of flying high, and see mountains or landscape from above ^^
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Making dreams come true
Years ago I was collecting many beautiful pictures of landscapes all around the world. Unconsciously I built dreams to go there somewhere, I love seeing new places (well who's not?) but I didn't know when and how I could really go there somewhere.
At that moment I was just started my career as a medical doctor and I loved it.
I had this huge passion to save the world and I knew I had little time for myself to travel to the new places.
And just recently 3 years ago, I had a lump in my breast, which was painful.
As a doctor I knew that I hardly had any chance for getting breast cancer, we don't have such history in our family, I didn't use any hormone therapy and my lifestyle is pretty much healthier compare to average people.
But still, I had this feeling that it could be something serious and threatening.
I made few consultations to friends and performed ultrasonography exam for mammae.
It turned out to be 'just' simple cystic in my breast tissue.
No harm at all, but I keep gone through regular USG every 6 months or so.
It was 3 years ago, and it was one of the turning points of my life.
I knew that life is too short sometime.
In very young age I saw many people died, old or young- and life could be spent worth and well or reckless and careless. And what if I were diagnosed with fatal disease such as breast cancer, would I ever regret of something I could have done when I was healthy ?
Then I made a breakthrough in my life, as if I will probably die tomorrow- I started traveling alone, abroad. I chose Singapore, because there my bestfriend's lived and then from there to Thailand. I was traveling alone but made friends with people through my path.
I met a girl from Canada on my first day in Thailand and we traveled together for few days, one guy from UK, one guy from France, one German girl, one couple from USA. Basically I learned that friendship is beyond race, language, culture, skin color etc.
Couple of months after I traveled to Thailand, I even met this German girl again in Berlin! Apparently world is not as big as I thought, if you're making friends all over the world!
Few months ago, when I was in Cinque Terre, Italy- I took this picture in Manarola.
It was one of the five villages in the place.
I heard that this is a beautiful place long before I made it there, but still I got the feel that it was too good to be true when I was actually there.
And I was traveling alone (I stayed in my friend's place but I didn't tell him that I was so overwhelming with my own thought and feeling. I just kept it for myself) - most of the times I kept notes for my travel log.
But there were times that I just couldn't even write it down and amazed by the view and my own feeling's.
Life truly has been very kind to me.
Then just few weeks ago, I came back to my home country and it was all finished.
I saw the collections of pictures that I have taken, but I still got the same feeling, all those overwhelming and amazed.
Randomly I opened a folder in my laptop, contained pictures I've collected with places I wanna see (someday).
And there was a pict of village in Cinque terre, I couldn't tell precisely whether it was Manarola or Riomaggiore, but I am sure it was in Cinque terre. This is the pict that I mention
Now I really believe the power of dreams, or wishes or whatever it is,
if you want it so bad... you might go there somewhere.
(And I'm not talking only about places but also goals, achievements etc).
At that moment I was just started my career as a medical doctor and I loved it.
I had this huge passion to save the world and I knew I had little time for myself to travel to the new places.
And just recently 3 years ago, I had a lump in my breast, which was painful.
As a doctor I knew that I hardly had any chance for getting breast cancer, we don't have such history in our family, I didn't use any hormone therapy and my lifestyle is pretty much healthier compare to average people.
But still, I had this feeling that it could be something serious and threatening.
I made few consultations to friends and performed ultrasonography exam for mammae.
It turned out to be 'just' simple cystic in my breast tissue.
No harm at all, but I keep gone through regular USG every 6 months or so.
It was 3 years ago, and it was one of the turning points of my life.
I knew that life is too short sometime.
In very young age I saw many people died, old or young- and life could be spent worth and well or reckless and careless. And what if I were diagnosed with fatal disease such as breast cancer, would I ever regret of something I could have done when I was healthy ?
Then I made a breakthrough in my life, as if I will probably die tomorrow- I started traveling alone, abroad. I chose Singapore, because there my bestfriend's lived and then from there to Thailand. I was traveling alone but made friends with people through my path.
I met a girl from Canada on my first day in Thailand and we traveled together for few days, one guy from UK, one guy from France, one German girl, one couple from USA. Basically I learned that friendship is beyond race, language, culture, skin color etc.
Couple of months after I traveled to Thailand, I even met this German girl again in Berlin! Apparently world is not as big as I thought, if you're making friends all over the world!
Few months ago, when I was in Cinque Terre, Italy- I took this picture in Manarola.
It was one of the five villages in the place.
I heard that this is a beautiful place long before I made it there, but still I got the feel that it was too good to be true when I was actually there.
And I was traveling alone (I stayed in my friend's place but I didn't tell him that I was so overwhelming with my own thought and feeling. I just kept it for myself) - most of the times I kept notes for my travel log.
But there were times that I just couldn't even write it down and amazed by the view and my own feeling's.
Life truly has been very kind to me.
Then just few weeks ago, I came back to my home country and it was all finished.
I saw the collections of pictures that I have taken, but I still got the same feeling, all those overwhelming and amazed.
Randomly I opened a folder in my laptop, contained pictures I've collected with places I wanna see (someday).
And there was a pict of village in Cinque terre, I couldn't tell precisely whether it was Manarola or Riomaggiore, but I am sure it was in Cinque terre. This is the pict that I mention
Now I really believe the power of dreams, or wishes or whatever it is,
if you want it so bad... you might go there somewhere.
(And I'm not talking only about places but also goals, achievements etc).
Friday, November 11, 2011
Erasmus Mundus :: Key to the World
Hari Kamis kemarin ada dua peristiwa penting yang terjadi,
pertama : presentasi Erasmus Mundus di Hotel Hilton, Bandung
kedua : nolongin anjing yang ngelected di depan RSHS (tapi cerita selanjutnya soal ini bakal diposting di blog laen)
Kita hanya bahas soal Erasmus Mundus aja disini . . . kenapa ?
Karena beasiswa Erasmus Mundus itulah tiket untuk jalan-jalan ke berbagai tempat ke Eropa.
Kembali ke beberapa tahun yang lampau, saat gw memutuskan pengen sekolah lagi, selain butuh ilmu (untuk nolong lebih banyak orang) juga dengan sekolah kita bisa membuka wawasan tentang dunia.
Rasanya kalo seorang dokter gak sekolah, dunianya akan berputar di sekeliling tempat praktek aja- dan buat gw yang suka hal-hal dinamis dan banyak tantangan- that would be a dead end.
Pada saat itu sebenernya gw sudah dapet posisi yang lumayan nyaman di unit penelitan, juga banyak belajar tentang penelitian sosial- bidang yang sebelumnya gak populer di kalangan orang kedokteran (dan sekarang pun masih gak populer rasanya).
But for me, I found it that could be my world.
So the journey to find a scholarship begun when I decided to pursue a master degree in Public Health.
Contoh beberapa skema beasiswa untuk bidang Public Health ditawarkan oleh beberapa institusi negara maju yang punya kerjasama dengan Indonesia e.g. AusAid dari pemerintah Australia, USAid dari pemerintah USA , Chevening dari pemerintah UK, NFP/Stuned dari pemerintah Belanda, juga Erasmus Mundus dari pemerintah Uni Eropa.
Saat itu sih gw coba masukin aja aplikasi ke beberapa institusi selama masih memenuhi syarat, tapi terus terang kepingin banget sih dapet Erasmus Mundus, dengan alasan:
1. I love Europe! I've been there before and I'd like to go back again.
Gw suka dengan kekayaan kulturnya, orang-orangnya, variasi alamnya, pokonya so much to explore.
2. I love traveling! Dan skema Erasmus Mundus memang kita belajar di 2 institusi yang berbeda di 2 negara (at least) so traveling in between is a must :-)
3. Ada program yang memang sesuai sama interest gw, dalam hal ini tropEd : International Health Degree Program.
Tahun 2010 rupa-rupanya usaha kirim beberapa aplikasi akhirnya berbuahkan hasil (dan juga keberuntungan tahun Macan kali . . . hihi . . . apa hubungannya coba).
Sebenernya waktu itu aplikasi USAid juga ternyata tembus dan udah ikutan wawancara di Jakarta, pas dikonfirm mau diambil atau engga, rasanya lebih berat berangkat ke Eropah. . .
akhirnya dilepas deh (lagian kalo berangkat ke USA, tar gw mesti seriusan belajar! Kapan travelingnya dong . . .)
Jadi, adik-adik, untuk kalian yang punya cita-cita mulia untuk memajukan bangsa, skalian juga meningkatkan kapasitas akademis, silakan mempertimbangkan untuk apply beasiswa Erasmus Mundus.
And I assure it's also going to be a ticket for a whole new world of adventure !
pertama : presentasi Erasmus Mundus di Hotel Hilton, Bandung
kedua : nolongin anjing yang ngelected di depan RSHS (tapi cerita selanjutnya soal ini bakal diposting di blog laen)
Kita hanya bahas soal Erasmus Mundus aja disini . . . kenapa ?
Karena beasiswa Erasmus Mundus itulah tiket untuk jalan-jalan ke berbagai tempat ke Eropa.
Kembali ke beberapa tahun yang lampau, saat gw memutuskan pengen sekolah lagi, selain butuh ilmu (untuk nolong lebih banyak orang) juga dengan sekolah kita bisa membuka wawasan tentang dunia.
Rasanya kalo seorang dokter gak sekolah, dunianya akan berputar di sekeliling tempat praktek aja- dan buat gw yang suka hal-hal dinamis dan banyak tantangan- that would be a dead end.
Pada saat itu sebenernya gw sudah dapet posisi yang lumayan nyaman di unit penelitan, juga banyak belajar tentang penelitian sosial- bidang yang sebelumnya gak populer di kalangan orang kedokteran (dan sekarang pun masih gak populer rasanya).
But for me, I found it that could be my world.
So the journey to find a scholarship begun when I decided to pursue a master degree in Public Health.
Contoh beberapa skema beasiswa untuk bidang Public Health ditawarkan oleh beberapa institusi negara maju yang punya kerjasama dengan Indonesia e.g. AusAid dari pemerintah Australia, USAid dari pemerintah USA , Chevening dari pemerintah UK, NFP/Stuned dari pemerintah Belanda, juga Erasmus Mundus dari pemerintah Uni Eropa.
Saat itu sih gw coba masukin aja aplikasi ke beberapa institusi selama masih memenuhi syarat, tapi terus terang kepingin banget sih dapet Erasmus Mundus, dengan alasan:
1. I love Europe! I've been there before and I'd like to go back again.
Gw suka dengan kekayaan kulturnya, orang-orangnya, variasi alamnya, pokonya so much to explore.
2. I love traveling! Dan skema Erasmus Mundus memang kita belajar di 2 institusi yang berbeda di 2 negara (at least) so traveling in between is a must :-)
3. Ada program yang memang sesuai sama interest gw, dalam hal ini tropEd : International Health Degree Program.
Tahun 2010 rupa-rupanya usaha kirim beberapa aplikasi akhirnya berbuahkan hasil (dan juga keberuntungan tahun Macan kali . . . hihi . . . apa hubungannya coba).
Sebenernya waktu itu aplikasi USAid juga ternyata tembus dan udah ikutan wawancara di Jakarta, pas dikonfirm mau diambil atau engga, rasanya lebih berat berangkat ke Eropah. . .
akhirnya dilepas deh (lagian kalo berangkat ke USA, tar gw mesti seriusan belajar! Kapan travelingnya dong . . .)
Jadi, adik-adik, untuk kalian yang punya cita-cita mulia untuk memajukan bangsa, skalian juga meningkatkan kapasitas akademis, silakan mempertimbangkan untuk apply beasiswa Erasmus Mundus.
And I assure it's also going to be a ticket for a whole new world of adventure !

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